October will be here before you know it. Stay up to date and sharpen your skills by attending a CLE seminar! Below are just some of the programs we’re offering members in October. To view the entire list, visit the CLE Calendar today!
Fantasy Supreme Court League: The 2021 Season
12:00 – 2:00 p.m., 2.0 credits
Live Webinar ONLY
Sean Carter, Esq.
Step right up to participate in the Fantasy Supreme Court League. In this unique presentation, the speaker humorously recaps the significant cases of the most recent term. After receiving the facts of each case, you will compete with lawyers from across the country by attempting to remember (or guess) the outcome and "vote spread" of each case.
The Intersection of Ethics and Artificial Intelligence
1:00 – 2:00 p.m., 1.0 ethics
Live Webinar ONLY
Sharon Nelson, Esq.
Sensei Enterprises, Inc.
John Simek, MBA, CISSP, CEH
Sensei Enterprises, Inc.
Legal research, drafting contracts, billing and scheduling – these are just some of the areas that utilize artificial intelligence (AI).
To be competent, an attorney needs to understand how AI works - and may indeed be required to use AI if it would reduce costs/produce faster, more reliable results, etc. How does an attorney measure the transparency and trustworthiness of AI? How would a lawyer know whether AI technology reflects the biases and prejudices of its developers and trainers, leading to skewed results? Join our experts as they explain a lawyer's ethical considerations when evaluating and using AI in your law practice.
Representing the Homeless
12:30 – 1:30 p.m., 1.0 credit
Live Webinar Only
Vanessa Volz, Esq.
At this program, attendees will learn how to represent the homeless by assisting at-risk and homeless families and victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or human trafficking with access to shelter, care, and public assistance. The speaker will also review available federal, state, and local non-profit programs available to at-risk or families experiencing homelessness and representing them in court.
Initiating and Defending Discovery in Plaintiff's Cases - Beyond the Basics
12:45 – 1:45 p.m., 1.0 credit
Live Webinar Only
Henry Monti, Esq.
Gemma Law Assoc. Inc.
Attend this seminar and learn how you can take only one deposition of a corporation/LLC/or other business entity and get all the testimony and documents you need; how to stop examinations of the Plaintiff at depositions conducted in bad faith or in a manner to unreasonably annoy, embarrass or oppress; how to better argue for and against discovery motions as Plaintiff; and more. Our speaker has tried 70 jury trials and filed suit in thousands of cases for injured Plaintiffs.
"Micro" Self-Care: Quick, Simple, Replenishing Practices You Can Use Throughout the Workday
1:00 – 2:00 p.m., 1.0 ethics
Live Webinar Only
Michael Kahn, JD, M.Ed., LPC
ReelTime CLE
The legal community has started to recognize the value of self-care, but all this talk about improving our well-being can be overwhelming. Who has the time? Fortunately, self-care doesn’t need to be time consuming, but instead can be quick, self-replenishing practices done throughout the day, particularly after an energy depleting activity. The speaker will discuss how to implement regular micro-self-care and help you identify what you are already doing well.
Smart Devices: In Your Home, Your Car and in Your Office
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., 1.0 credit + 0.5 ethics
RI Law Center, Cranston
Linn Freedman, Esq.
Robinson & Cole, LLP
Kathryn M. Rattigan, Esq.
Robinson & Cole, LLP
Smart devices aren’t limited to your TV anymore. From security cameras and doorbells to thermostats and air quality monitors, smart devices are here to stay. This seminar will discuss the latest smart technology and devices and what you need to know to protect your clients, your practice, and your privacy, including important ethics rules and considerations regarding the use of smart devices in the practice of law.
*Please note, if you choose to attend the in-person program at the RI Law Center, we will be requiring all attendees, regardless of vaccination status, to wear a mask when not eating or drinking and encourage attendees to practice social distancing. Masks, socially distant seating, and ample sanitizing stations will be provided during the program. Space is limited for the in-person program.
If you attend this event and within 10 days following test positive for the virus you are agreeing to let the Bar know immediately (call Heather Chea, CLE Program Assistant at 401-421-5740 or email hchea@ribar.com) so that we may advise all those in attendance to help stop the spread. You do NOT need to identify yourself when you contact us in this regard, and we will NOT share any information of those who report as testing positive.