Congratulations on your admission to practice law in the State of Rhode Island! Please click the image to the left for a welcome letter from our Bar Association president.
Please note: You must be registered with the Supreme Court of RI to practice in Rhode Island before you can join and enjoy the services of the Rhode Island Bar Association. The Bar Association receives regular updates from the Court with lists of new members who have registered, and we mail out new member packets according to those lists. This can take up to a few weeks to be sent out.
The Rhode Island Bar Association is committed to supporting new lawyers and their transition into practice. Your membership includes professional resources and opportunities that will assist you as you begin your career. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Cavalloro, Office Manager, by phone: 401-421-5740 or email: scavalloro@ribar.com
New Member Benefits
Legal Research Service: Fastcase
Fastcase provides industry-leading tools to make legal research easier and more intuitive. Lawyers, law firms, and bar associations across the country trust Fastcase to provide them with comprehensive access to the law through an innovative and award-winning platform. Fastcase helps forward-thinking lawyers natigate the law faster and smarter. Find Fastcase on our Home Page or from our Members Only/Member Benefits page.
Continuing Legal Education
As a new member of the Bar Association, you receive a discount on most CLE programs offered by the Bar Association. You are also required to take the Bridge the Gap Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Program, specifically designed to help new Rhode Island attorneys make a smooth transition from law school to law practice.
For more information on MCLE credit requirements and submitting your MCLE credits, contact the MCLE Commission at 222-4942.
To view our regular CLE calendar for Bar seminars offered in-person and via live webcast, click here.
For a list of online CLE seminars (attorneys may earn a maximum of 6 credits through video replay seminars per year), click here.
For non-credit programming designed to help attorneys build their practice, click here.
Employment Resources
The Bar’s Career Center is a one-stop resource for legal jobs in Rhode Island and across the country. Members post their resume for free, visible to hundreds of legal employers and can view and apply for legal jobs.
Advice from Experienced Attorneys
The Bar’s Online Attorney Resources (OAR) is an online information resource, organized by practice area, to help Bar members receive timely and direct volunteer assistance with practice-related questions from other members.
Our Bar-wide list serve gives you immediate, 24/7, open-door access to the knowledge and experience of hundreds of Rhode Island lawyers, whether you are a solo or in a firm, or just have a question about starting out your practice.
Lawyers Helping Lawyers
Rhode Island Bar Association members and their dependents may receive free and confidential help, information, assessment and referral for personal concerns through the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Program. Services are available through the Association’s contract with CorpCare, the Bar’s lawyer assistance program, and through the members of the Rhode Island Bar Association’s Lawyers Helping Lawyers Committee.
The Lawyers Helping Lawyers Committee members choose this volunteer assignment because they understand the issues and want to help their peers find answers and appropriate courses of action. Committee members listen to your concerns, share their experiences, and offer advice and support.
CorpCare is a consulting service contracted by the Association to assist you at no charge. They provide health counselors to work with you to address your concerns. The professionals at CorpCare provide confidential consultation for a wide range of personal concerns including (but not limited to): balancing work and family, child and eldercare, depression, anxiety, domestic violence, aging, grief, career satisfaction, alcohol and substance abuse, and problem gambling.
To learn more about both of these programs please click here.
Lawyer Referral Service
Membership in the Rhode Island Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) is an excellent and inexpensive way to increase your client base and visibility within the community while expanding public access to legal representation. Optional special LRS projects include: Ask A Lawyer providing live, television studio lawyer panels in partnership with Channel 10; Senior Citizen Center Clinics throughout the year and the state, Reduced Fee Program offered to qualifying clients; and the Arts Panel for local artists’ legal needs all offer unique opportunities for increasing your business while you provide an important public service to your community. As a special offer for new members of the Bar, your first 6 months of membership is FREE! Contact Public Services Director Susan Fontaine for more information.
Volunteer Lawyer Program
One of the most difficult parts of starting to practice law is learning where to start. Why not assist a low-income family in need of legal assistance while you learn from experienced attorneys? Our Bar's Volunteer Lawyer Program (VLP) will assign you a case, and provide you with an experienced attorney mentor to assist you. Free malpractice insurance is provided for pro bono cases accepted through the Volunteer Lawyer Program. Interested in finding out more? Contact VLP Coordinator John Ellis at 421-7758.
Leadership and Networking Opportunities
The Bar’s New Lawyers Committee (NLC) meets regularly to organize programs to promote diversity, and enhance opportunities and the professional development of newly admitted practitioners in Rhode Island. Joining the NLC, and any of our other 24 Bar committees, is a fantastic way to network and meet attorney peers! Learn more about our committees and how to sign up here.
Bar Journal
Author, or co-author, an article for the RI Bar Journal, and not only could you be eligible for CLE credit, but you establish yourself as a name in a practice area, leading to networking and job opportunities. Contact Managing Editor Erin Cute for more information about submitting an article for consideration.
Insurance Services
The AON Attorneys' Advantage program offers professional liability insurance coverage sponsored by the RI Bar Association.
USI New England is the Rhode Island Bar Association's relationship administrator with Blue Cross Blue Shield and Delta Dental. As a convenience for Bar Association, members, USI New England will act as a liaison between Blue Cross/Delta Dental and Bar members as an alternative to direct Bar member contact with Blue Cross/Delta Dental. Contact the representatives below at any time with questions.
Kelsey O’Donnell
USI Insurance Services
Account Manager
475 Kilvert Street
Building B, Suite 205
Warwick, RI 02886
Phone: 401-558-3117
Email: Kelsey.ODonnell@usi.com
For other fantastic member benefits ranging from practice management tools to car rental discounts, visit our member benefits page.
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