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Casemaker Transitions to Fastcase on August 17th for RIBA Members

As a reminder, Casemaker and Fastcase merged in January of 2021 and united their shared mission to democratize the law. Starting today, you can now access Fastcase’s legal research platform in addition to Casemaker as a preview of the combined member benefit. The transition to the Fastcase platform for the Rhode Island Bar Association is scheduled for Tuesday, August 17th. After this date, you will no longer have access to the Casemaker platform. 
We encourage you to start using Fastcase and explore the platform. To help ease your transition, visit the Fastcase Resource Library where you can access tutorial videos, register for training webinars, and find answers to your questions. A recent addition to the Resource Library are two guides (Casemaker4 to Fastcase & Casemaker Legal to Fastcase) where users familiar with Casemaker can see how the same functions work in Fastcase.  
What is Fastcase?
More than 1.1 million lawyers nationwide subscribe to Fastcase's legal research tools. They offer primary legal research, as well as more than 750 books, treatises, and journals to their users. Fastcase also integrates with Docket Alarm’s briefs, pleadings, and motions database and syncs with a mobile app, on iOS and Android.
Why did Fastcase and Casemaker merge?
Fastcase and Casemaker are combining to offer a comprehensive set of tools and products for attorneys. Soon you will see new innovations in citator, docket analytics, and workflow tools, maximizing your bar member benefit. 
Ready to get started? Here are some next steps:
  1. Log in to Casemaker as you normally would through the RIBA website. Once you are logged in to Casemaker, you'll be taken to a page where you have the option to start using Fastcase or continue to use Casemaker. If you choose to start using Fastcase, you will be redirected to its legal research platform. 
  2. On this same page, Casemaker and Fastcase have provided more information about the merger and transition, as well as links to training resources and webinars. 
  3. Visit the Fastcase Resource Library and consider registering for a training webinar hosted by Fastcase and Casemaker, watching the collection of tutorial videos, and reading more information about the transition. 
  4. Now that you have access to Fastcase, you are welcome to get into the system and start familiarizing yourself with the legal research tools offered. 

Casemaker and Fastcase compiled a number of frequently asked questions in the Fastcase Resource Library. If you have any more questions, see the contact information for Fastcase or Casemaker below.

Phone: 866-773-2782 
Phone: 877-659-0801