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Scam Emails Reminder

We would like to remind Bar members to be diligent when it comes to recognizing scam emails.
One particular phishing scam involves emails, purportedly sent from me as Bar President or other officers, circulated to several members of the Bar. If you receive an email from myself or another officer that you were not expecting and which comes from a strange email address (the emails are spoofed, but if you hover over the sender's name you can sometimes see that the address does NOT actually belong to the sender), please do not respond to the email or click on any links; delete the email immediately. These emails often ask the person receiving the email if they are "free at the moment." When the receiver responds, the scammer asks the receiver to procure several gift cards for the sender as a favor. Please be advised that the president of the Bar Association would never send emails of this nature to members.
Another scam that has been brought to our attention involves loan payoffs and bank wiring for real estate closings. In this case, a law firm's email was hacked. A loan payoff statement the firm sent to the bank was intercepted by hackers who changed the account numbers and payoff instructions, then forwarded the fraudulent version to the firm responsible for the payoff. Thankfully, the law firm fulfilling the loan payoff contacted the bank directly to verify the account number and instructions, and in doing so discovered the fraud before any harm was done. We advise Bar members to always verify loan payoff account numbers and instructions with the bank directly before wiring any payments.