2025 DUI Laws & Hardship Licenses
Available as in-person only.
The prosecution and defense of DUI cases is rapidly changing. Significant changes include extending the lookback period for prior offenses, introduction of the Intoxilyzer 9000 breath testing machine, the use of drug recognition experts in addition to the standardized field sobriety tests, and the potential for individuals in drunk driving and refusal cases to obtain a hardship license after the installation of the ignition interlock device.
This program will provide a comprehensive nuts and bolts analysis of the basics of drunk driving and refusal cases and an extensive review of the changing science and technology in these cases.
The panelists will address the following:
Hardship licenses and ignition interlock devices;.
Drug hardship licenses;
The Intoxilyzer 9000 breath testing machine;
Drug Recognition Expert training and testimony at trial;
The administration of the standardized field sobriety tests;
The ability to compel blood samples in DUI cases;
Representing clients at DMV Medical Advisory Board; and
The strategies for both prosecution and defense at trial.
This program is appropriate for both new and experienced attorneys. Attendees will receive the 2025 DUI Practice Manual.