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Compare & Contrast: Basic Website Tips to Improve Engagement - Free, Non-Credit Program; Request for Rhode Island Bar Journal Articles

The FREE, non-credit, technology program series, Compare & Contrast is back for the 2022-2023 season! The first session, Compare & Contrast: Basic Website Tips to Improve Engagement, is scheduled for Monday, October 3rd at 12:30 pm via Zoom. Jared Correia of Red Cave Law Firm Consulting and Attorney Mike Goldberg, co-chair of the Bar’s Technology in the Practice Committee, will review their tops tips to improve your firm’s website engagement, and take questions on the subject.

Lots of law firms have websites; and, that means that lots of law firms have pretty bad websites, as it turns out. But, there are a number of things that attorneys can do to differentiate themselves from the pack, and create compelling and engaging websites. In this program, we’ll discuss some tips to improve website engagement that may be surprisingly simple.

This quick (30 minute) and free presentation will get you the information you need to make an informed choice. Please click here to register for the program via Zoom.

As a reminder, this series will review different law-related products and services and each webinar will be focused on a certain topic. In just 30 minutes, Jared will discuss what makes the most sense for members depending on practice size and budget. All sessions will be recorded and available to view free of charge on the Bar’s Law Practice Management page on

Do You Have an Idea For an Article?
The editors of the Rhode Island Bar Journal invite Bar members to submit articles and information for Rhode Island Bar Journal publication consideration. As a primary source of news and information for all Rhode Island Bar Association members, the Bar Journal is an outstanding forum for articles concerning all areas of practice. Having your article published in the Journal gives you visibility and establishes you as an expert in your field! We seek articles that present ideas that will help lawyers better practice law and operate their firms more efficiently, review specific case law, as well as historical pieces or tech-related pieces. The Journal seeks original articles, written expressly for the first publication in the Bar Journal, by members of the Rhode Island Bar Association. Rhode Island Bar Journal submissions include:
  • Articles written about specific areas of the law or relating to the practice of law.
  • Case Studies of historic or recent past cases.
  • Counterpoint pieces to recent, previously published articles.
  • Histories regarding the practice of law and government in Rhode Island.
  • Book Reviews about law practice, legal, or political topics.
  • Bar Committee reports and information of interest to members.
Please click here to review the Rhode Island Bar Journal Article Selection Criteria, which also appears on page 4 of every Rhode Island Bar JournalTo submit an article for consideration, or if you have a question about whether an article may be a good fit for the Journal, please contact Bar Journal Managing Editor Erin Cute at