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Reminder: Committee Sign Ups Open!

Registration for 2022-2023 Bar Committees is open, so if you have not already, sign up today! Our Bar Association's strength and value are based on active member involvement. 

Committee membership supports and strengthens our professional lives and connects us to our colleagues, providing valuable, direct networking within distinct areas of the law. Bar committee participation is a great way for new lawyers to grow and advance professionally while benefiting from the experience and wisdom of our more seasoned Bar members. Additionally, Bar committees often provide opportunities to meet members of the Judiciary and discuss matters of importance. It is also the prime pathway to Bar leadership.

PLEASE NOTE: Even Bar members currently serving on Bar committees must reaffirm their interest by completing a committee registration form either online or by mail. Members interested in serving on a Bar committee receive the most benefit if they are active members, attend regular meetings, and participate in committee projects and events.

To register for a Bar committee for the July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023 year, please click here. You may either select the CLICK HERE TO JOIN A BAR COMMITTEE button and enter your Bar ID number and password, or you can download the Bar Committee Application form appearing above the committee names and mail or fax it to the Bar Association. Please only use one method to register to avoid duplication.